The club has 5 gliders, suitable for training, development and competition flights, the club also has a 3X TRIM ULM for the flight school and a Dynamic WT-9 for towing gliders.
For take-off, the club also has a winch used during slope flights.

The ASK-13 is a two-seater wooden and canvas glider built by Alexander Schleicher.
It is used for the initial training of glider pilots as well as for initiation flights.
Glide ratio : 28
Wingspan: 16 meters
The ASK-21, modern version of the ASK-13, is a two-seater glider built in composite materials.
It is used for advanced training of glider pilots as well as for initiation flights. Our ASK-21 is suitable for aerobatics and is modified to be piloted by a person with disabled mobility.
Glide ratio : 33
Wingspan: 17 meters

Ka6e "F-CDTC"
The Ka6e is a single-seat wood and canvas glider built by Alexander Schleicher.
It is the single-seater with which the pilots progress in solo flight.
Glide ratio : 34
Wingspan: 15 meters

CB15 "Crystal" "F-CBCO"
The "Crystal" is a French single-seat glider, only 11 of which are manufactured in Challes-les-Eaux by STRALPE, it is a collector's item, a national monument.
It is the performance glider allowing experienced pilots to perform sporty flights over the countryside.
Glide ratio : 41
Wingspan: 15 meters
C101 "Pegase" "F-CGSQ"
The C101 Pégase is a French single-seat glider of standard class manufactured by the company Centrair.
Efficient and easy to fly, it is the first step towards sport flight.
Glide ratio : 41
Wingspan: 15 meters

3x Trim "50-JB"
The club has a 3X TRIM Multiaxes class ULM. It is used for flight school as well as for initiation flights.
It is powered by an 80 hp Rotax engine and equipped with an E-Props propeller.
Dynamic WT-9 "50-RJ"
The Dynamic WT9 is a light two-seater ULM, used for flight. It can tow a glider attached to 70 meters of cable behind it in order to take it to the most favorable thermals.
It is powered by a 100 hp Rotax engine and equipped with an E-Props propeller.
It is equipped with an emergency ballistic parachute.

The Dynamic WT9 is a light two-seater ULM, used for flight. It can tow a glider attached to 70 meters of cable behind it in order to take it to the most favorable thermals.
It is powered by a 100 hp Rotax engine and equipped with an E-Props propeller.
It is equipped with an emergency ballistic parachute.