The French Air Association (AFA) was looking for a favorable slope in France with a view to future aeronautical experiments. That of Vauville, announced by its vice-president Maurice Victor at the time, seemed to meet all the desired conditions.

Site selection
The cove of Vauville, located on the west coast of Nord-Cotentin, 20 km from Cherbourg, extends over about twenty km, from the Nez de Jobourg to Diélette. It is bordered, for almost 15 km, by hills covered with grass and heather, 120 to 140 meters high, with an average slope of 30 to 40° (60 to 80%).
In their northern part, these reliefs plunge directly on the rocky coast, they then deviate a little from the sea, giving way to the village of Vauville then towards the South, to an area of marshes and dunes at Biville. Finally, the relief gradually lowers as far as Siouville and s a magnificent 9 km sandy beach, 400 to 800 m wide depending on the tides.
It is between Vauville and Biville that the slope, which is particularly regular, rises towards a plateau of communal moors, in a very gentle connection which avoids any turbulence, even in strong winds, this plateau is large enough for take-off and glider landing. Indeed, the beach, and/or certain areas between the dunes, are emergency grounds for gliders descended too low to land on the plateau.

Affiche de l'évènement de cet été !!!

Le programme de la semaine

Sur place, vous trouverez une buvette ouverte toute la semaine. Il sera aussi possible de vous restaurer le midi uniquement le dimanche 20 puis le samedi 26 et dimanche 27.